How to remove or edit booking rules

Modifying or removing booking rules for desks in Dibsido allows administrators to refine the booking process and ensure that the rules meet the organization’s needs.

Steps to remove or edit booking rules

  1. Navigate to user settings:

    • Go to the "Settings" menu within the Dibsido app.

    • Select the "Users" menu and then click on the tab "Booking Rules."

  2. Find the rule you want to edit or remove:

    • Locate the rule under the "Desk booking rules" section.

  3. Edit the rule:

    • Click on the rule to make changes. Adjust the user group, booking timeframe, or workspaces where the rule applies.

  4. Remove the rule:

    • To delete the rule, click on the delete icon next to it.

  5. Apply changes:

    • After editing or confirming the deletion, click "Apply rule" to save the changes or finalize the removal.

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