Overview of user settings

Dibsido allows users to customize their experience through various settings that can be adjusted according to personal preferences. These settings include options for managing bookings, notifications, and general account preferences. You can access these settings by hovering over your initials in the top right corner of the Dibsido interface.

Accessing User Settings

  1. Open User Settings:

    • Hover your mouse over your initials in the top right corner.

    • Click on the “User Settings” option from the drop-down menu.

  2. Explore the Tabs:

    • The settings are divided into three main tabs: Bookings, Notifications, and General.

Bookings Tab

This tab allows you to manage settings related to your reservations, parking preferences, and default location.

  • Quick Cancellation: Toggle this option to enable or disable the ability to cancel reservations quickly.

  • Parking Settings:

    • License Plate: Enter or edit your vehicle’s license plate number, which is essential for parking reservations.

    • Type of Your Car: Select your car type from the dropdown menu, such as Electric, Gasoline, etc.

    • Note: Parking settings are only available if parking management is turned on by your company.

  • Location Settings:

    • Default Location: Select your default location if your company has multiple branches or offices.

    • Note: This option is only available if location management is enabled for your company.

Notifications Tab

Customize how you receive notifications about your bookings through email or Slack.

  • Email Notifications:

    • Booking Reminders: Receive reminders for upcoming reservations.

    • Automatically Add to Calendar: Automatically adds your bookings to your calendar when this feature is enabled.

    • Important Notifications: Receive critical notifications related to your bookings.

  • Slack Notifications:

    • Slack Notifications: Receive booking notifications directly through Slack.

    • Slack Daily Summary: Get a daily summary of all your bookings, sent every morning via Slack.

    • Note: Slack settings are only available if Slack integration is turned on by your company.

General Tab

Manage your account’s general settings, such as language preferences and time zone.

  • Language Settings: Select your preferred language for the Dibsido interface.

  • Time Zone: Set your current time zone to ensure all bookings and notifications are correctly timed.

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