Set booking duration for parking

This article explains how to set the booking duration options for parking spots, allowing employees to choose between half-day, full-day, or custom time slots.

How to set booking duration for parking

  1. Navigate to settings: Start by going to the settings menu in Dibsido.

  2. Select parking settings: Under settings, choose the "Parking" option.

  3. Go to features tab: Within the parking settings, click on the "Features" tab.

  4. Set booking duration: In the features tab, locate the booking duration settings. Here, you can customize the duration options available for employees, such as half-day, full-day, or custom times.

  5. Save changes: Once you've configured the booking duration options, click "Save" to implement the changes.

Customizing booking durations allows you to offer flexibility to employees, ensuring they can book parking spots that match their needs.

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