Someone is using my reserved desk, what to do (reporting conflicts)

Sometimes, you may arrive at the office to find that someone is occupying the desk you’ve reserved. Dibsido makes it easy to report this conflict and find a new desk quickly. Here’s what you should do if you encounter this situation.

Steps to report a desk conflict

  1. Go to the dashboard:

    • Navigate to the dashboard from the main menu.

  2. Find the quick actions box:

    • On the dashboard, locate the "Quick Actions" box. This section provides easy access to common tasks, including reporting desk conflicts.

  3. Click "Report conflict":

    • In the Quick Actions box, click on the "Report conflict" button.

  4. Submit the report:

    • A modal will appear with the following message: "If someone has taken your desk, report it here and we will try to find you another one."

    • Click the "Report" button to submit the conflict.

What happens next?

  • Admin notification: Once you’ve reported the conflict, an administrator will receive a notification about the situation.

  • New desk assignment: If another desk is available, the system will automatically assign it to you, ensuring you have a workspace for the day.

By using the conflict reporting feature, you can quickly resolve issues with your reserved desk and continue with your day smoothly.

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