Managing visitors in the guestbook

The Guestbook feature in Dibsido provides a streamlined way to manage and track visitor activity within your office. It utilizes a Kanban board layout with three columns to help you easily manage the flow of visitors throughout their stay. Here’s how it works:

The three columns

  1. Scheduled

    • Description: This column lists all visitors who are scheduled to arrive at a later time or date. It helps you prepare for upcoming visits and ensures that all necessary arrangements are made ahead of time.

    • Usage: When a visitor arrives, you can drag and drop their card from the Scheduled column to the In the Building column to indicate that they have arrived.

  2. In the uilding

    • Description: This column is for visitors who are currently in the building. Moving a visitor to this column signifies that they have arrived and are now in your office.

    • Usage: Upon moving a visitor to this column, an automatic notification is sent to the host via email or Slack, informing them that their guest has arrived and is ready to be picked up.

  3. Left

    • Description: This column is for visitors who have left the building. Tracking when visitors leave helps maintain an accurate record of how long they stayed.

    • Usage: After the visitor has left, drag their card to the Left column. This ensures that their visit is recorded correctly. At the end of the day, all visitors in this column will automatically be moved to the history section for long-term record-keeping.

Workflow example

  • Arrival: As visitors arrive, move them from the Scheduled column to the In the Building column. The host will automatically be notified via email or Slack.

  • Departure: When a visitor leaves, move their card to the Left column to record the end of their visit. Their information will then be stored in the history section at the end of the day.

By using these columns effectively, you can ensure that all visitor activities are tracked, and that hosts are notified promptly when their guests arrive. This system provides a clear, organized way to manage office visits and ensures a smooth experience for both visitors and staff.

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