Inviting colleagues to book desks

This guide explains how to invite colleagues to book desks in Dibsido and manage their booking permissions.

User registration is based on email invitations. Colleagues need to accept the invite to access Dibsido.

How to send invitations to colleagues

  1. Go to users: Navigate to the "Users" section, which is in the settings menu within the Dibsido app.

  2. Add user: Click on the "Add User" button.

  3. Enter email addresses: Write down the email addresses of the colleagues you want to invite, or copy and paste them from your file.

  1. Set roles: In the next step, Dibsido will recognize the addresses, and you can immediately set the role you want to assign to each user.

  2. Send invites: Confirm your entries, and Dibsido will send email invitations to the selected employees.

  3. Acceptance: Colleagues need to accept the invitation to gain access to Dibsido.

Managing booking permissions for desks

Once users have accepted their invitations, you can manage their permissions.

  1. Create groups: organize users into groups and assign specific permissions for booking desks.

  2. Allocate desks: allocate specific desks to users if needed.

  3. Custom booking rules: set custom booking rules for different groups to control desk reservations.

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