How to create a group

This article provides a step-by-step guide to creating a group in Dibsido, allowing you to manage permissions and access to resources for specific user groups.

Steps to create a group

  1. Navigate to groups:

    • Go to the "Settings" menu within the Dibsido app.

    • Select the "Groups" option.

  2. Add a new group:

    • Click on the "Add Group" button to start creating a new group.

  3. Select users:

    • Choose the users who will be part of this group. Remember that a user can only belong to one group at a time, so select carefully.

  4. Select resources (if applicable):

    • If your company uses cars, parking, or workplace booking features, you can also select the relevant resources for this group:

      • Select cars: If car management is enabled, choose which cars this group can access.

      • Select parking zones: If parking management is enabled, assign parking zones to the group.

      • Select workplaces: If desk booking is enabled, allocate workplaces to the group.

  5. Overview and additional settings:

    • Review the group setup in the overview. Here, you can also access additional settings and handle any reservation conflicts that may arise (e.g., if a user in the group has a conflicting reservation or assigned seat).

  6. Address reservation conflicts:

    • If there are any reservation conflicts, you’ll need to resolve them by either deleting the conflicting reservations or removing the affected users from the group.

  7. Save the group:

    • Once everything is set up and conflicts are resolved, save the group to finalize the creation process.

Important Notes:

warning icon
- Each group must have at least one user assigned to it.

- Multiple groups can share access to the same resources, which allows for flexible management of shared spaces or assets.
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