How to edit a group

This article explains how to edit an existing group in Dibsido to update users, resources, or settings

Steps to edit a group

  1. Navigate to groups:

    • Go to the "Settings" menu within the Dibsido app.

    • Select the "Groups" option.

  2. Select the group to edit:

    • In the groups table or layout, find the group you want to edit and click on the edit button (represented by a pen icon).

  3. Modify group details:

    • You can update the users associated with the group, change the allocated resources (such as cars, parking zones, or workplaces), and adjust other settings as needed.

  4. Resolve any new conflicts:

    • If your changes result in new reservation conflicts, you will need to address them before saving.

  5. Save changes:

    • After making your updates, click the "Save" button to apply the changes to the group.

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