Basic features introduction for parking booking

This article provides an overview of the essential features available for parking spot booking in Dibsido. These features are designed to enhance your office management by offering flexibility, control, and ease of use for both administrators and employees.

Booking timeframe

Explanation: Customize how far in advance employees can reserve parking spots to ensure optimal parking space management.

How you can use it: Set the maximum period available for bookings to manage parking space effectively. The booking timeframe can also be set specifically for different groups of users, allowing you to tailor the booking experience based on roles or departments.

Options: Booking can be set from 1 to 8 weeks in advance, with each new week released on a weekly basis.

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Additionally, you can connect this with booking rules to define timeframes down to the hour for specific parking zones and groups, providing precise control over spot availability.

Booking duration

Explanation: Customize parking reservations by allowing employees to book either "Half day" (Morning/Afternoon), "Full day," or custom times.

How you can use it: Employees can select the booking option that best fits their parking needs, whether it's a half-day, full-day, or a specific custom time.


  • Full day bookings

  • Half day (Morning/Afternoon) bookigns

  • Custom times: Enable users to set specific start and end times for their reservations, applicable to all parking spots or certain spots as needed.

Spot allocation (available on parking spot detail)

Explanation: Efficiently manage parking spot allocation by assigning spots to employees for any duration, with allocations automatically set one year in advance.

How you can use it: Allocate parking spots to employees by selecting specific days and hours within the year-long allocation period. For example, you can allocate a spot for a full week, or just for specific days and hours, such as Mondays and Tuesdays from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. This flexibility allows for precise planning and ensures that spots are available when needed. If a spot is no longer required, employees can release it, or administrators and operators can cancel the allocated reservation if the employee forgets.

Options: Choose specific days and hours for spot allocation within the one-year period, allowing for both long-term and short-term planning while ensuring spots are used efficiently.


Explanation: Limit the number of reservations employees can make per month by assigning credits, with flexible options for credit refunds on cancellations.

How you can use it: Control parking spot usage by setting a monthly credit limit, which can be applied either company-wide or to specific groups. This system encourages fair access to parking spots and helps manage space efficiently.


  • Credits per month: Credits are automatically distributed every month, with the default set to 10, but this can be customized by the admin. Credits can be adjusted for each employee individually in the user admin settings.

  • Customizable refund policies: Admins have the flexibility to set the refund policies for cancellations. For example, credits might be refunded if a cancellation is made within 15 minutes of booking or 24 hours before the start of the booking, but these values can be adjusted as needed.

Required license plates

Explanation: This feature makes it mandatory for employees to enter their license plate number when reserving a parking spot.

How you can use it: By requiring a license plate number, you can ensure that parking spots are properly assigned and monitored, helping to prevent unauthorized use.

Without a filled-in license plate number, the employee cannot reserve a parking spot.

Alert for available spots

Explanation: This feature monitors parking spot availability and allows employees to be alerted when a spot becomes available.

How you can use it: When parking is full, employees can click on the Bell icon to be placed on a waiting list and receive an alert if a parking spot is released. If more than one user has set up the alert, the system will notify users sequentially to ensure fairness.

Options: Admins can configure whether the app sends only notifications to users on the waiting list or automatically creates a booking for the user when a spot becomes available. This feature can be turned on or off based on your office's preferences for managing parking spot availability.

Check-in & out

Explanation: Allows users to confirm their parking spot reservation, ensuring spots are used as planned.

How you can use it: Employees can check in to their reserved parking spot either through the Dibsido app or by scanning a QR code at the spot, confirming their presence and securing their reservation.


  • Check-in methods: Users can choose to check in either via the app or by scanning a QR code placed at the spot.

  • Check-in timeframe: By default, users can check in up to 60 minutes before the start of their reservation. However, this timeframe is adjustable by the admin to suit your organization’s needs.

  • Automatic cancellation: If a user does not check in within the specified time, the reservation is automatically canceled 60 minutes after the reservation start time by default. Admins can customize this cancellation timeframe to ensure optimal spot usage.

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Additional tip: You can use this feature as a confirmation that employees with allocated or reserved spots are indeed coming to the office. To optimize parking spot management, consider setting the check-in time to 24 hours before the reservation. If an employee does not check in within 16 hours before the reservation (allowing an 8-hour window), the spot is automatically released, giving other employees time to book the newly available spot. This approach ensures efficient use of parking spaces and provides flexibility for all employees.

Information on occupied spots

Explanation: This feature controls whether employees can see who is parked in which spot, helping to manage privacy and confidentiality within the parking area.

How you can use it: When this feature is turned on, employees will only see whether a spot is reserved, without any information about who is occupying it. This option ensures privacy for employees while still allowing everyone to know which spots are available. If the feature is turned off, employees can see who is parked where, which can enhance coordination.


  • Turn on/off: Admins can enable or disable this feature depending on the parking area’s privacy requirements.

  • Visibility: When turned on, the parking details are hidden, and only the reservation status is visible to employees. When turned off, the parking details, including who is parked where, are visible to all employees through the spot overview.

Favorite spots

Explanation: Allows users to add parking spots to their favorites, influencing which spots are prioritized during booking.

How you can use it: Employees can save their preferred parking spots to streamline future bookings.

Options: Favorite spots are highlighted and prioritized in the booking process.

Start/end of bookings (Operation hours)

Explanation: Set the operating hours during which parking spot bookings can be made.

How you can use it: Control the availability of parking spots by defining the time range for bookings.

Options: Default booking hours are set from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM.


Explanation: Allows parking spots to be booked on weekends, providing flexibility for non-traditional work schedules.

How you can use it: Enable or disable weekend bookings based on your parking area’s operational needs.

Options: Default is set to "No" for weekend bookings.

Disable the view of spots

Explanation: This feature disables the ability for users to select a specific parking spot, instead assigning spots automatically.

How you can use it: When enabled, employees won't be able to choose their parking spot; the system will automatically assign one. This can help streamline the reservation process and ensure fair distribution of parking spots.

Options: Admins can turn this feature on or off based on their preference for parking spot management.

Visit booking settings

Explanation: Customize the information that is emailed to visitors regarding their parking spot bookings.

How you can use it: Ensure that visitors receive all necessary details about their booking and parking procedures.

Options: Modify the email content to suit your parking area’s needs.

By understanding and utilizing these features, you can tailor the parking spot booking process to fit your office’s unique needs, ensuring an organized, efficient, and user-friendly environment for all employees.

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