Managing desk booking timeframes for groups

This article explains how to manage and customize desk booking timeframes for specific groups in Dibsido, allowing you to tailor access and availability to meet the unique needs of different user groups within your organization.

What are desk booking timeframes?

Desk booking timeframes refer to the period within which users can reserve desks. By managing these timeframes for specific groups, you can control how far in advance to the current date employees can book desks. This feature is particularly useful for optimizing desk availability and ensuring that different user groups have appropriate access to workspaces based on their roles or needs.

Steps to manage desk booking timeframes for groups

  1. Navigate to group settings:

    • Go to the "Settings" menu within the Dibsido app.

    • Select the "Groups" option to view and manage your existing user groups.

  2. Select the group to edit:

    • In the groups list, find the group for which you want to customize the desk booking timeframe.

    • Click on the edit button (represented by a pen icon) next to the group's name.

  3. Assign resources:

    • Proceed through the group editing process by assigning the necessary resources, such as workplaces or desks, to the group.

  4. Access booking timeframe settings:

    • After assigning the resources, you'll reach the last step of editing the group, which is the "Overview" section.

    • In the overview, you'll find the option to customize the desk booking timeframes specifically for this group.

  5. Customize the booking timeframe:

    • Set the timeframe within which members of this group can book desks. You can specify:

      • Advance booking period: How far in advance the group members can make reservations (e.g., up to 8 weeks ahead).

  6. Save your changes:

    • Once you’ve set the desired booking timeframe, click "Save" to apply these settings to the group.

Why customize desk booking timeframes for groups?

  • Optimized Resource Management: Different groups within your organization may have different desk needs. For instance, executive teams may require the ability to book desks well in advance, while other groups may only need short-term booking options.

  • Increased Flexibility: Tailoring booking timeframes for specific groups allows you to offer more flexibility where it’s needed most, such as for teams that have variable schedules or need access to desks at different times of the day.

  • Better Utilization: By controlling how and when different groups can access desk resources, you can reduce the likelihood of underutilized or overbooked desks, ensuring that all employees have fair and efficient access to workspaces.

By managing desk booking timeframes for groups, you can better align desk availability with the needs of your organization, improving both convenience and resource utilization across your workforce.

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