How to book an entire workplace

This article explains how to book an entire workplace in Dibsido. This feature allows administrators to reserve all desks within a workplace for a specific period, which can be useful for various situations, including events, maintenance, or temporary restrictions.

Steps to book an entire workplace

  1. Navigate to desk settings:

    • Go to the "Settings" menu within the Dibsido app.

    • Select the "Desks" option to view your existing workplaces.

  2. Select the workplace:

    • Find the workplace you want to book.

    • Click on the three dots in the right corner of the selected workplace.

  3. Book the workplace:

    • From the dropdown menu, select the "Book Workplace" option.

    • A new window will appear where you can set the time period for the booking.

  4. Set the booking period:

    • Choose the start and end date and time for the booking. This period determines when the workplace will be fully reserved and unavailable for other employees to book individual desks.

  5. Add a note:

    • You are required to add a note explaining the reason for booking the entire workplace. This could include details such as the purpose of the booking (e.g., maintenance, event, or reconfiguration) and any relevant instructions or information for employees.

  6. Confirm the booking:

    • After setting the time period and adding a note, confirm the booking to reserve the entire workplace.

Use cases for booking an entire workplace

  1. Event Management:

    • If your company is hosting an event, such as a workshop, seminar, or large team meeting, you might need to reserve the entire workplace to ensure that all desks are available exclusively for event participants. Booking the workplace in advance guarantees that the space is reserved for the event and that regular employees are informed of the restriction.

  2. Office Maintenance and Renovation:

    • For situations where the workplace requires maintenance, such as renovations, deep cleaning, or equipment upgrades, you can book the entire workplace to prevent employees from using desks in that area. This ensures that maintenance crews can work without interruptions and maintains safety standards.

  3. Temporary Restrictions:

    • There may be times when certain workplaces need to be restricted due to security upgrades, changes in office layout, or other temporary reasons. Booking the entire workplace prevents employees from making desk reservations during this period, ensuring that the restriction is enforced effectively.

  4. VIP or Reserved Use:

    • If you need to reserve an entire workplace for VIPs, executives, or special project teams, booking the workplace ensures that no other employees can occupy the desks during the reserved period, providing the necessary privacy and focus for the reserved group.

  5. Health and Safety Measures:

    • In cases where health and safety regulations require limiting the number of employees in a particular area (e.g., during a pandemic or emergency situation), booking the entire workplace can help enforce these restrictions by preventing desk reservations.

By using the "Book Workplace" feature in Dibsido, administrators can effectively manage desk resources, ensuring that specific workplaces are reserved for particular needs or events. This feature provides flexibility and control, allowing you to adapt workspace availability to suit the unique requirements of your organization.

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