How to generate and interpret desk usage reports

This article guides you through the process of generating and interpreting desk usage reports in Dibsido. These reports provide insights into desk reservations, user activity, and workspace utilization, helping administrators and operators manage office space efficiently.

Steps to generate desk usage reports

  1. Navigate to the reports menu:

    • Go to the "Reports" menu within the Dibsido app.

  2. Select the desk reports option:

    • In the reports menu, choose the "Desks" option to view desk-specific reports.

  3. View the reservations overview:

    • The "Reservations Overview" tab provides a detailed summary of all desk reservations. This includes information such as the employee who booked the desk, the specific desk and location, the start and end times of the reservation, and the date the reservation was created.

  4. Filter and sort data:

    • You can filter and sort the data by various criteria, such as the employee’s name, the desk, the date, or the location. This helps you focus on specific information relevant to your analysis.

How to interpret the data

  • Reservation details: Each entry in the reservations overview shows the specifics of a desk reservation. By reviewing this data, you can understand which desks are most in demand, the times they are typically used, and how often they are reserved.

  • User activity: The "Users Overview" section helps track which employees are actively using the desks, how many reservations they have made, and how often they release desks. This aids in understanding user behavior and adjusting desk allocation policies if needed.

By generating and interpreting these reports, you can make informed decisions about how to manage desk resources more effectively, ensuring that desk availability meets the needs of your organization.

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